Prescribing Paracetamol and Ibuprofen

Rushall Medical Centre have recently adapted the guidelines produced by Walsall CCG which aims to restrict the prescribing of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen products for short term use that can be bought at a reasonable cost over the counter. If this guideline is followed it will result in:

  • Reduced patient reliance on prescribers for prescriptions.
  • Reduced consultations for minor, self-limiting conditions.
  • Increased patient self-reliance for minor conditions.

Funding of medicines available to purchase to treat self-limiting conditions and minor ailments and self-care is a personal responsibility.

Rushall Medical Centre Surgery will be working in line with the above guidance to promote self-care and will try to reduce the prescribing of these medicines.

For any questions or concerns about this guidance please get in touch with us.